AdhaFULL thrice a week series is funded by UNICEF and commissioned by BBC Media Action, Creatively Designed and Produced by Sunshine Productions. AdhaFULL is a coming of age social action drama series, which follows three adolescents – Kitty (16), Tara (11) and Adrak (15), who form the AdhaFULL gang, as they solve a new case each week. The mysteries solved by the gang are intertwined with their journey of growing up in a small town called Badlipur. The show deals with the problems of adolescents in a unique and engaging way.
The show and the cause are supported by Bollywood celebs like Madhuri Dixit, Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar. AdhaFULL airs on the National Broadcaster, DD National.
Youth Drama
Ahsaas Channa, Neelanshi Singh, Harsh Mayar, Richa Sony, Ankit Yadav
78 (Season - 1)